Jay Z, Dame Dash Shake Hands. Rap World Frozen in Amazement.

Jay Z, Dame Dash 'Reunite'

In what is pretty much the equivalent of a slow news day story, hip hop sites are reporting that rap megalodon Jay Z and former business partner/right-hand-man Dame Dash were in the same place at the same time and were civil and shook hands and posed for pictures.

Like, OMG!!!!!

I know, right? Two grown ass men. Not acting like high schoolers. Not sticking out their tongue at each other. Not releasing battle raps about ejaculating in one another’s toddler car seat.

Crazy, huh?

It’s also not a “reunion,” the term that nearly everyone seems to be using. But whatever. Why should they do things like use the right words. It’s only hip hop journalism, amirite?

All sarcasm aside, this is nice I suppose. The two have had an infamous feud in the past, and their strained relationship was often the talk of Jay Z career analysis (and Dash’s career decline.) The event was a mutual friend’s birthday party, reportedly business associate Chaka Pilgrim.

That being said, no Vibe, it is not the “biggest moment in hip hop in years.” (Can we stop with letting starstruck, hyperbole-fed interns write for your website please? You’re going all digital, how about not sucking at it?)

Anyway, I wanted to point to the most worthy source of this information, but I couldn’t find any. (Some spot-on hip hop factcheckers said the picture was from Dame’s Instagram, instead, it appears that it might have been from Shaheem Reid’s. Another picture was seemingly taken by user Bkbuttafly, but no one seems to be saying that. But again. It’s hip hop journalism. Anyone can do it. Why am I worrying about it being correct?).

That was more sarcasm by the way.

Anyway, here is, as Vibe would probably say, the most important picture in the history of the world.

Jay Z, Dame Dash