Mekka Don – ‘Stack ‘Em (Dollar Bills)’ (Video)

Mekka Don - Stack 'em - Video

Even though Mekka Don isn’t a New Yorker much any more, we love this enough to let it slide…

“Stack ‘Em (Dollar Bills)” sure sounds like it could be a release by any current swag-dripping, rain-making, stripper-loving rapper, in title alone. The music, a well-produced track we must add, might easily attract the attention of any modern 106 and Park, national/mainstream following hip hop listener. Perhaps even a few open minded New York hip hop purists who typically frown on “Southern” rap music. The track is eerie and simplistically melodic, while Mekka Don rides it nicely with a rat-a-tat cadence, finding a perfect balance rocking quickly over a laid back foundation.

The song is, as its core, as it is pitched: A hustler’s anthem. But lest anyone get fooled by the materialistic undertones, the video puts it all into an amazing perspective.

We see what you did there.

So, congrats to the man who decided to risk walking away from a career as a lawyer to pursue his musical dreams, who is now signing licensing deals with the likes of ESPN and Ohio State University.

Guess he’s still stacking ’em.

[WATCH] Mekka Don “Stack ‘Em (Dollar Bills)” (Video)