Majestik Originality & SoSoon – Simon Sez

Majestik Originality, SoSoon - Simon Sez

Simon says to check out this bouncy, humorously snarky offering from Majestik Originality and SoSoon. The S.K.-produced “Simon Sez,” riding on a foundation crafted from the classic electronic game, will probably lighten whatever mood you’re in, while keeping your head nodding to the crisp drums and smirking at the jovial cockiness spewed throughout.

Even though the bleeps and blorps sampled from the iconic Milton-Bradley game echo throughout the song a bit much for our taste (we would have preferred a “bridge” or alternate pattern perhaps, to vary it up a bit more), it’s still a clever enough sample flip, that the pluses outweigh the negative.

“Simon Sez” is the first offering from Majestik & SoSoon’s upcoming joint album, The Other Side of the Street. The chemistry between the two works, the lyrics, and particularly SoSoon’s animated delivery, are enough to get us anticipating what gems their full project might contain.

Now go ahead and say swag. Nahhh, we’re just playing.

(You see what we did there?)

Download/Listen: SoSoon & Majestik Originality – Simon Sez (Produced by S.K.)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Extra shouts to Majestik Originality for his professional and persistent follow-ups and respectful dialog. He is an artist who is clearly passionate about his craft, and in his conviction. While this doesn’t guarantee success in this business, as a former artist/DJ/producer, I understand the struggle, and respect those who take the time to present themselves in a professional manner that demonstrates their love for creating hip hop music. It is this kind of artist that we are always pleased to showcase.  –Manny Faces

Majestik Originality SoSoon - Simon Sez