The NY Hip Hop Report on BTR, Episode One Recap

The NY Hip Hop Report - Episode 001

On Sunday, May 20, Birthplace Magazine founder and editor-in-chief Manny Faces along with senior writer Steven Ortiz, launched The NY Hip Hop Report with Manny Faces, a weekly online radio program on the BlogTalkRadio platform. After an introduction as to why the show was created and what they hope to accomplish, the two spoke on a variety of topics, including the upcoming Rock The Bells lineup, political candidates and hip hop (including Mike Scala), a recap of the Cop Shop Reunion show on Long Island, Freestyle Sundays at 5 Pointz and played an interview with indie artist and Underground Music Award winner Jesse Abraham.

Check the inaugural episode out, (or check it out below), “follow” the show and tune back in every Sunday at 10 p.m. as we discuss New York hip hop… the best, worst and everything in-between… and welcome your calls and participation.

Listen to internet radio with The NY Hip Hop Report on Blog Talk Radio