Q&A with eMeiNesS: Muzik’s New Savages

Ms. FeFe of N.A.B. spoke with Brooklyn duo eMeiNesS regarding their recent win at the Elegant Hoodness Musical Program showcase. SnoWillz and DNA gave a bit of insight as to who they are, and what they plan to bring to the hip hop table.

N.A.B.: What does eMeiNesS stand for in this rap game?

eMeiNesS: “eMeiNesS” stands for “Muzik’s New Savages,” meaning every beat we see, we eat! Savages! (laughing)

N.A.B.: How long have you guys been a duo?

eMeiNesS: We’ve been doing this together since sophomore, junior year in high school. That was like 2003-04, so about six years or so.

eMeiNesSN.A.B.: What do you think differentiates you from other rap groups in the underground?

eMeiNesS: Well, the first thing is that we think outside the box and hit so many genres it’s impossible not to wonder who we are when you hear our music. It’s new. It’s fresh.

N.A.B.: How do you describe your stage performance?

eMeiNesS: We would describe it as, basically a party. No matter what we do on stage, we get the crowd involved, so it’s like it’s their show too.

N.A.B.: Are you guys collaborating with any other artists right now?

eMeiNesS: Yeah, of course, it’s kind of too many to name, (laughing). But we always look to collaborate with various artists.

N.A.B.: What projects do you have out now that your fans can purchase, and what are you working on for future projects?

eMeiNesS: We have the The Hunger Vol.1 out right now and we are working on Volume 2 right now which is called, The Hunger Vol.2 (Suin Ugly But Attractive). (laughing) Something like the best of both worlds.

N.A.B.: Individually, give me one word that describes you and as a group?

SnoWillz: The word I would say is “diverse.” We definitely tackle all angles and always try new things that shock us each and every time we record. I think the fans would see that.

DNA: My word would be “eMeiNesS” because we are like no other rapper or group in the industry now. You always witness something new when you hear our music. Guaranteed.

N.A.B.: Where do you see”eMeiNesS” 5 yrs from now?

eMeiNesS: On top of the world, well, at least in a mental state. We definitely see ourselves well respected in the music industry five years from now, for sure.

N.A.B.: Any last words or shout outs?

eMeiNesS: Thanks to everyone who supports the movement. Shout out to the GreenTeam family….check us out on www.GTeamENT.com or via YouTube (keywords: brooklynsprince, eMeiNesS, GTeam)

Contact eMeiNesS: Twitter.com/datboidna |  Twitter.com/eMeiNesS |  Myspace.com/bksnewmovement

eMeiNesS – Keep On Climbing

Written by: MsFefe (N.A.B) – Courtesy of the Elegant Hoodness Musical Program ‘10