NYC Musician/MC Coole High Loses Home to Fire

The New York musician and MC known as Coole High has suffered a devastating house fire, losing many belongings, rendering him temporarily homeless. We have covered Coole High previously as part of his creative and theatric musical stage production Future Insomniac alongside veteran underground journeyman Tah Phrum Duh Bush.

Coole HighCoole High alerted his Facebook followers to the event with a sobering wall update, “My home just caught fire. im currently homeless.”

Friends and peers quickly filled his wall with words of support, and offers to help. One of the more recurring pleas among the community is one we would like to echo.

The homie Coole High just lost his home to a fire. Please support by purchasing his music Please repost this!

A quick side note. As founder and EIC of, I have to be strict about not purchasing independent artists material, not because I don’t want to support, or because I’m a music journalist snob, but because, as those who know me can attest to, I highly support the underground NYC community, while funding Birthplace Magazine, for now, largely out of pocket. So, if I was to buy everyone’s stuff, I would simply go broke. However, I do my best to profile everyone I can, and think that by alerting the tens of thousands monthly visitors to our site about these talented artists, I am still demonstrating my support in a meaningful way.

That being said, I will personally be contributing to Coole High by purchasing his music. He has always struck me as a genuinely good guy, and it is clear by the outpouring of support from those connected to him and his music, I am not alone.

Update: Gianna, commenting on our Facebook page, does bring up a good point, suggesting that insurance should cover losses, so two quick thoughts. First, we don’t know those details, but we do hope that is the case. Nonetheless, as an artist, there are surely to be irreplaceable losses, and we think the idea of helping with a small donation to purchase a man’s art during such a time is a very personal way to help, both financially, and to help boost spirits. Second, the point is well taken, and worthy of repeating as a general PSA: Homeowners insurance should be thorough and up to date, and if you rent, be sure to have renter’s insurance, which is usually quite affordable.

In any event, we wish Coole High the best.

UPDATE: This month’s Monthy Bondfire on Nov. 30 will be in support of Coole High (, and a benefit concert to assist Coole High will be held at the Lit Lounge, 93 2nd Ave. (bet 5th & 6th), Sunday, December 5, 2010, featuring performances by many of his hip hop peers. Facebook event link: