The event promised to be interesting. With a live band leading the way, 20 or so of New York City’s thriving underground hip hop scene would converge on Sullivan Hall and cover many songs from the catalog of one of hip hop’s most revered groups, A Tribe Called Quest. Hosted and organized by iLLspoKinN (who, along with songstress Mariella Gonzalez, host the weekly live band, open-mic Freestyle Mondays), in conjunction with Tru Statement Entertainment, put together an event that was genius in concept and wonderful in execution.
It so happens that our article announcing the event, posted to Twitter, retweeted by Jesse Abraham, was then retweeted by Q-Tip himself, an unofficial co-sign of the event, and a good omen.
Though no official ATCQ members were in the house, the co-sign would prove worthy. From the opening of the show, with husband and wife team of M-Tri and Leecy T jumping right into a spirited performance of “Buggin’ Out” to the crescendo of an all-out rowar-ROWARReenactment of “Scenario,” the night was jam-packed with fantastic music, lyricism, crowd-participation and camaraderie among performers. With artists like Jesse Abraham, Tah Phrum Duh Bush, Hassan Salaam, Coole High, Commissioner Gordon, Hired Gun and many others gracing the stage, it was a perfect blend of party plus performance.
Rumor has it, there will be more events with this themed approach in the future, and if so, we highly recommend attendance.