Much has been said, reported and speculated on the passing of veteran rapper Guru and his relationship with his business partner and music producer Solar since Guru’s death in April, 2010. In fact,’s investigative piece into the foundation mentioned in the “Guru Farewell Letter” revealing the inconsistencies of statements purported to have come from Guru, yet speculated to have come from Solar, was widely read, and quoted by reputable publications such as the Toronto Star. In that article, the Star interviewed a former member of Guru and Solar’s band, Jazzamatazz, Nick “Brownman” Ali, who described Guru as being Solar’s “puppet”, revealing troubling behind-the-scenes accounts of physical violence toward the ex-Gang Starr member.

Brownman was also interviewed for articles in XXL and the Boston Phoenix around the same time, yet only now has the full transcript of the Boston Phoenix interview come to light, printed on a website setup in posthumous support of Guru, the boldly titled
The full interview goes into great depth, as Brownman details the relationship on stage, and off, behind closed doors and out in the open, that further tarnish the legacy of a revered figure in hip hop history.
Read the entire Brownman interview on
Read the Birthplace Magazine investigative article on the Guru charity mentioned in the “Farewell Letter To Fans”.