Jerms Black: Negative to Positive… But is it All Good?

Jerms Black, born in St. Croix, grew up in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, falling to the temptation of hustling and the illegalities that can come with street life in BK. While incarcerated, Jerms vowed to keep his life on on straight path if he was spared an extensive bid. That opportunity arrived in the form of an acquittal, and according to his bio, Jerms Black has since stuck to his vow, pursuing the legal high that comes with creating and independently distributing music.

In the years Jerms has been building his craft, he has crossed paths with artists such as Nappy Roots and producers such as Easy Mo Bee,  and made appearances on several show stages and many mixtapes. His single, “Da Paper,” is currently available on iTunes, and can be heard in the snippit below.

Also, check out “My Life,” a studdering-vocal, Heatmakerz-produced head-nodder that showcases Jerms’ lyrics and firmly precise delivery.

Editor’s Note: Building a solid, respectable journalism site these days takes time and considerable effort, and we are continuously trying to catch up to the onslaught of artist submissions. We took a while to get to J.B., but Jerms Black has a dedicated, persistent team behind him, who just wouldn’t let us forget about him. We appreciate that kind of effort here, as well as the talent of the artist of course. In this case, both the talent and work ethic seem to be there. We’ll be checking for more from Jerms Black in the future, and will not wait so long to get it to you next time.

Jerms Black – Da Paper [snippit]

Jerms Black – My Life

From the artist:

Hip-Hop has always been about hunger. The hunger to rock the crowd. The hunger to get signed. The hunger for a better life. My music is a raw form of art that is waiting to get heard. Please listen to my music with a open ear and a true understanding of the hip hop culture.

Jerms Black is an upcoming rapper from Brooklyn New York who has released 13 mixtapes and has worked with platinum producers like the Heatmakerz, and Easy Mo Bee and also has worked with platinum artists like the Nappy Roots. He has released his newest song “Da Paper” which contains a sample from fellow Brooklyn rapper/legend Milk Dee from the group Audio Two who released their second single titled “I Get The Papers” from their second album “I Don’t Care”. Jerm’s newest single is a dedication to the pioneering group Audio Two and the hip hop culture