I just came back from Cancun. I know, you hate me. But what was different from the time I came back from South Beach in February, was that my return was not from extreme heat to extreme cold, but from extreme heat, to decent heat. That made the return a bit more bearable, to know that basically, it’s summertime in my city.
Back to real life, I had to pay some bills, catch up on some emails, do the laundry, and dive into the backlog of BirthplaceMag.com material. DCT from Urbanizm Music sent over Noodle the Innocent Child‘s ‘s ode to summer a little ways back, and being in the sunshine and beach frame of mind, it jumped out at me.
Check out Noodle’s “Summertime in My City” off the full length Urbanizm collective album The Preview, available for.. well.. previewing and purchasing at urbanizmmusic.bandcamp.com.
[audio:summertime.mp3]Noodle’s album It’s a Noo Day is also available.