Lil Wayne Caught With Contraband at Rikers Island

Here at, we are editorially focused on covering New York area hip hop artists, news and events. Lil Wayne, is not a New Yorker. But he is in New York. And what happens to a rapper in New York, can be considered in the realm of “New York hip hop”… So, here it is.

Our esteemed (unwilling) rap megastar visitor Lil Wayne, currently residing in New York’s Rikers Island Correctional Facility, has been caught with contraband behind bars. Weed? Nope. A shank? Nah. Cigarettes? A cell phone? A nail file in a cake? Cinnamon Toast Crunch??? An umbrella???

No, it was none of these. According to the Village Voice, the music man stayed true to his roots, and was caught with “unauthorized earphones and charger”, belonging to an mp3 player that was subsequently found. Inmates apparently are allowed to purchase such devices after being authorized, but Weezy was not authorized. Which means <dramatic 1950’s radio music> someone smuggled it in!

Anyway, we only really found it interesting due to the nature of what it was. If we were in jail, we would be lost without music too, so we have no choice but to admire Lil Wayne’s dedication to his craft.

Unless he was caught listening to Ke$ha. In that case, forget we ever posted this.