Ques, Winner of February Elegant Hoodness Showcase

A.D. The General presents the February winner at The Elegant Hoodness Musical Program, Ques, who came down to the Bowery Poetry Club on Feb. 28, 2010 with the intentions of bringing the house down. Ques represented for his native Haiti and his Bronx hood with much charisma and pride. The competition was amazing, with every artist on stage raising the bar for the next artist. It was difficult to predict who would walk away with the prizes, including a digital blast to 31,000 worldwide DJs (courtesy of www.digiwaxx.com) and many more media prizes, but when it was time for the judges to tally up the scores, Ques had reigned supreme, and was announced the first place winner by Jae Dame, A&R at Def Jam Records. Afterward, N.A.B. caught up with Ques to discuss his recent win and his new releases.

N.A.B.: Who is Ques?

Ques: I consider myself a complete hip hop emcee. Using every element I’ve learned in the game to make me who I am. Skills, business minded, image and charisma.

N.A.B.: Where do you consider yourself in the music industry? Are you content with your status as an artist?

Ques: I think I’m getting close to my goal, which is to be signed to a major or independent label. I am happy with my progress thus far, thanks to my management and supporters I have good momentum going.

N.A.B.: How long have you been into music?

Ques: I’ve been in music forever, as a fan, and an artist I would say since the early 90s, but I didn’t start my career until the late ’90s.

N.A.B.: Is hip hop your favorite genre of music?

Ques: Yeah, pretty much, but sometimes I need a break so I listen to everything else from R&B to Reggaeton.

N.A.B.: Out of all the songs in your catalog, name three that stand out to you the most, and why?

Ques: I would say “All My Soul” due to the real life content and production, I consider it a classic and what describes Ques’ true rap form. “Whiskey & Beer” because it changes tempo and style when I perform it. It’s also so catchy, fans that hear it for the first time remember it easily. Last would be “MUD” because its shows my skills on a track and how I can keep the energy and wordplay at a peak level.

N.A.B.: What is your impression of hip hop today? Are you disappointed, or do you even care?

Ques: Well I can’t be disappointed because it changes so much, you have to adapt to it whether you like it or not. The industry has definitely made it a money engine but it still has its good emcees left. I would want to see and hear more underground artist like Jay Electronica and females like A.D. The General.

N.A.B.: What is the main message you are trying to get across with your music?

Ques: Skills and passion to your music. Good content over great production. What we been missing for so long.

N.A.B.: Any last words or shout outs?

Ques: Yeah, I want to shout out everyone who has ever showed me love at shows and online, my family, friends and all who support me. All the producers who ever gave me beats and my manager William Gone for believing in me and going strong with the Ques movement.

Check out Ques at www.QuesMusic.com.

Written by A.D. The General (N.A.N./N.A.B.), Ms. FeFe (N.A.B.)