Ah, Saturday morning. I’m up early, catching up on some behind the scenes BirthplaceMag.com things, when T.Shirt (no space) sends a tweet my way:
@BirthplaceMag I’d love to get someone to check this out right here, I used 120 film titles, it’s called “24 Frames” http://j.mp/c65m6J
I think, “Hm. I don’t really think I know of T.Shirt, and I have so much stuff to… Wait. 120!?”
Now, I get a lot of emails and IMs and tweets and I have an avalanche of really good stuff from really talented people that is already waiting for my attention, but sometimes, I get sidetracked by the sudden appearance of a shiny object, and the “120 film titles” caught my interest. For two reasons. One, because I am a personal fan of “concept” songs, and two, I used to spit a lil’ somethin’ soemthin’ myself back in the days before I got all journalistic and stuff, and I remember trying to do a similar concept. If memory serves me (I don’t feel like digging for the actual notebook, which I do still have), I may have gotten 10-12 titles down before I gave up and moved on. So, to do a complete song, with 120 titles woven in, well, that could be kinda hot.
Or, it could be a flop.
So I listened.
The verdict?
Whattaya know? It’s kinda hot.
It’s 120 movie titles all right. Mostly just phonetically rhymed together but with the slightest plot line filler connecting them, enough so that it’s not simply 120 movie titles strung together just for the novelty of it.
A loopy, bouncing, whimsical melody with a breakbeat-y, rattling snare drum track that I don’t immediately recognize, so it could be an original, and a hauntingly cute chorus sung by some Holly Brook-sounding female (nice obscure reference for you, cuz I got mad music range, sonnn) make this a very listenable introduction to T.Shirt, aka T. Netflix, who happens to have a project, Tan-Face Children, dropping this Tuesday.
Sigh. More for the Avalanche (1999… Two can play at this game, ha!).
Anyway, don’t wait for me to get to the rest of his stuff. Check out T.Shirt yourself at www.illrapper.com, and let’s discover him together, shall we?
T.Shirt – 24 Frames (Movie Night)
[audio: 24frames.mp3]
Download/Listen: T.Shirt – 24 Frames (Movie Night)