Dollar Van Demos Live Anniversary Concert at Southpaw

Dollar Van Demos, the Brooklyn production company that stages and films live, mobile music videos inside the confines of a moving “dollar van” through the streets of Brooklyn, is throwing an anniversary concert on Sunday, March 28, 2010 at Southpaw, in Park Slope.

Dollar Van Demos ConcertWe were there last November, riding along with Dollar Van Demos for our feature article on them, a session that showcased NY artists Wordspit and Joya Bravo that would also catch the attention of McDonalds advertising execs, and lead to official Dollar Menu commercials for each.

Wordspit will reprise his performance at the one year anniversary concert, joined by other past DVD participants such as Poison Pen, Leeia Music, Crosby, P Marz, Misnomer(s), Final Outlaw, Zuzuka, Cocoa Sarai and other special guests.

Dollar Van Demos – Live Anniversary Concert
Sunday, 3/28
Southpaw – 125 5th Ave., Brooklyn
Showtime: 8pm – Tickets: $10