Noodle “He-sytles” Over Eminem’s Taking My Ball

noodle-300x224Ok, if you missed my other post, he-styling (or she-styling) is what I am calling emcess who flip their own writtens over an extablished track. Freestyle isn’t the right term so I flipped it. I don’t care if it sounds corny. It’s more accurate than ‘freestyle’. So there. Pbbbt!

Anyway, the good folks over at Urbanizm Music sent over a new he-style (lol) by Noodle, spitting over Eminem’s “Taking My Ball” track. We’ve posted Noodle’s stuff before, dug what he did, and dig what he does with this as well.

Noodle’s full-length release It’s A Noo Day is scheduled for Dec. 17th.


Download: Noodle – Taking My Ball