God Damn You, Joe Budden!

Let me first lead this post like (almost) every other blog would, and point out that Joe Budden comments on the Tahiry/50 Cent photo, because that’s the cliche blog thing to say.

Now, with that nonsense out the way, his “freestyle” (I’m still looking for another word for “pre-fabricated-verse-over-another-established-instrumental”) is fire. As usual.

And that’s my point. Joe Budden is really fucking nice. And as a NY style, hip-hop loving, semi-old-school guy, it bothers the hell out of me.

Listening to this drop today, I stopped to wonder (again) as many others have (and I know I’m going to e-ramble a bit), why this guy isn’t way “bigger”. Is he his own best PR/management etc.? Or his own worst enemy? He’s seemingly an “I-work-best-alone-and-running-my-own-show” kind of dude (understandable, due to his previous label dealings), and in that zone, has done fairly well for himself, positioning himself on reinvented avenues that only vaguely revolve around hip-hop (internet video, etc.). But the man can still spit with high amounts of emotion, thought, lyrics and skill. He’s “marketable” enough to make it fairly “mainstream”. What is (has been) the problem (reason)?

Maybe after the Slaughterhouse run he’ll make some big move. Or someone will help him make it. Maybe The Great Escape will be the big move. Or maybe this IS the big move. Maybe he figures/knows that touring + keeping your name in the air is the way to make a living as a rapper these days, and that works well enough for him. It’s just somewhat inexplicable to outsiders because there are talented rappers who you can just tell won’t ever get that widespread, “commercial” success (“commercial” for lack of a better word, and to avoid using “mainstream” again), and there are those who you (always) know (knew) can. Is he a secretly-afraid-of-success guy? A happy-where-he-is-at guy? Confused? Confident? Conflicted? Content? Crazy?

Maybe it’s just me, but I really wish some journalistic entity would respect his incredible story and persona(s), and really do a back-in-the-day, Rolling Stone, Almost Famous type of piece on this dude. (Yes, hint, hint. But seriously. SERIOUSLY.)

Lil’ Wayne should not have a (perceived) monopoly (Katie Couric and an apparently very good documentary aside) on being the most introspective, complicated, talented and interesting dude in hip-hop.

Anyway, with all that said, here’s his, once again, very solid pre-fabricated-verse-over-another-established-instrumental.


Download/Listen: Joe Budden – Russian Roulette “freestyle”

UPDATE: After thinking about this a lot after I wrote it, I’m hopeful. Budden’s out touring the country strong, spending just the right amount of energy addressing the tabloid aspects of his life, and dropping freestyles like these. With an LP on the horizon, maybe his stock (and awareness) will jump strong in early ’10. He remains a very polarizing figure, receiving what seems like equal amounts of adulation and vile from Stans and Haters, which I think is a huge benefit for a continued stream of buzz, no matter what he does. I just think whatever he does, should be in front of a wider audience than BET ciphers, JoeBuddenTV.com, and a few blogs can provide. Not sure if he himself can create this, or if he has/needs to get the right team (PR or something) or again, if he even wants to. But it’s a damn good show, just needs better Nielsen ratings.