MF Doomed: A Pipomix (Huh? … Trust Us)

MF Doomed Cover2So, the guy (we think) at Pipomixes says: “A few months back I went through Doom’s entire catalog of material while flying across the country. After listening to Doom 24/7 for a good two weeks, I could just hear this mix coming together without ever laying hands on a turntable. This is what I ended-up mixing once I returned home and got back on my tables. Thank you to those of you who hooked me up with a couple of instrumentals that were essential to the making of this mix. Like all of my mixes, a lot of time, thought, and energy went into crafting this effort. I hope you all enjoy the mix as much as I enjoyed making it.”

The mix is very well done, a great listen for Doom-heads. Aaaaand the added bonus is that at Pipomixes, there are more such megamixes of other artists’ stuff. So, we are pleased to have come across this little gem in the woods.

That’s because we trust the ever reliable Notes From A Different Kitchen.

Download: MF Doomed: Mixed by Pipomixes

(P-ee-po, or P-ipe-o?)