First Impressions: Skyzoo – The Salvation

First Impressions review scoring is based on the reviewers initial reactions to each individual track. In most cases, the listening time is limited to 1:00 of the song, though this will occasionally be extended on the spot, due to extended intros and other factors. Scoring is done on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best possible score. Each track will carry two numeric scores (1-10), one for overall musical achievement (beat, orchestration, production quality, etc.), one for vocal achievement (lyrics, delivery, etc.).

Votes are averaged out, and the two categories are averaged for a total score. The reviewer adds or subtract certain amounts, to factor in the First Impressions of the project as a whole. After these additions or deductions are factored in, a final score is determined. This is our First Impressions rating score.


Released: 9/29/09 – To purchase: iTunes or Amazon

Track 1 – The Opener (Production: Cyrus tha Great)
A smooth female gospel acapella, Jesus is the Main Line sounding, over the busy sounds of the city serving as a backdrop. “If you want salvation, tell him what you want,” they sing, as the hustle and bustle of city life buzzes in the background. This leads into smooth piano and strings melody, more indicative of an R&B album. It’s pleasant. Here comes the beat, simplistic kick and rimshot, bassline, and airy synths. Initial lyrics and flow sound explanatory, Skyzoo is setting up his mission. Musically: 7 (6.5 for the track itself, +.5 for the production on the intro). Vocally: 7

Track 2 – Return of the Real (Production: Just Blaze)
Just Blaze verbally introduces the track he produced, leading with buzzy, funk-type saw sounds. Rambunctious Just Blaze-ish type beat drops, and Skyzoo jumps right in. Skyzoo sounds less frantic than the beat, something’s off. It doesn’t sound like a match. Skyzoo is not amped enough, and it’s not one of JB’s best. Musically: 6. Vocally: 6

Track 3 – The Beautiful Decay (Production: 9th Wonder)
Standard 9th Wonder studdered soul sample beat. Skyzoo rides this one better, it’s a better match to his vocal timber. If the chorus flips nicely, this will be a good listen. Hm. It doesn’t. First impulse it that this will sound too repetitive with no orchestration change, but overall it’s a good vibe. Musically: 7 (deduction for perceived repetition). Vocally: 7.5

Track 4 – My Interpretation (Production: Best Kept Secret)
Synth-filled, spacey intro, with a flanged Method Man uttering “excuse me as I kiss the sky”. This is a unique sounding beat with lots of levels. Spacey vocals, piano, studdered snares, xylophone-like sounds. Busy but still able to vibe it, though at times, seems almost overpowering the vocals. A very self-reflective sounding track. Mature sounding, lyrical. Won’t grasp the content on the first listen. Worthy of a second listen for sure. Musically: 8 (for uniqueness). Vocally: 8

Track 5 – Popularity (Production: Nottz)
Bouncy, playful beat, with playful lyrics to match. Simplistic beat but very noddable. Easy to see why this was an early leak. Certainly less “deep” than Skyzoo’s other work, and this may be a purposeful reach to gain “popularity” but even so, it works. Musically: 8. Vocally 8 (for delivery, playful content, riding the track well).

Track 6 – Like A Marathon (Production: 9th Wonder)
Another signature-sounding soul sample flip, hard snare, it’s cool. Skyzoo speaks deeper than easy-to-get punchlines, there’s a story in much of his lyrics, an understanding that won’t come from 1st impressions. Chorus is repetitive. Listening overall, I get the feeling something’s about to hit me, but never quite does. Maybe it’s the orchestration of the beat, holding the song back. Musically: 6.5 (for potential not reached). Vocally: 7 (but could have been a 7.5 with better backing)

Track 7 – The Shooter’s Soundtrack (Production: Cyrus Tha Great)
Highly experimental sounding beat, off-on stagger, doubled snare, synthy sample chop that’s more annoying/boring than not. More of the same for the chorus. You’d need an acquired ear to like this. Won’t find it on the first listen.  Musically: 5. Vocally: 6

Track 8 – Under Pressure (Production: 9th Wonder)
Starts with the singing of “Walk On By”. Music is piano and vocals with a buzz synth buzzing. First impression, Skyzoo is reminiscing on a lost love. Another good match of music with voice. Skyzoo is infinitely more listenable when the music matches his vocal zone, he doesn’t seem to rise to match music that isn’t in his comfort zone. This song has nice orchestration. Smooth and noddable, hard to hold at 1:00, left me wanting to hear more. Musically: 8. Vocally: 8

Track 9 – Penmanship (Production: Black Milk)
Track features an organ loop with stabbing synth sounds, bubbling bassline. Skyzoo spitting some methaphorical lyrics, another must-listen-again to “get it” track, but it’s not an awesomely exciting track. Manages to hold attention, and curiosity as to what Skyzoo is trying to say. Musically: 7 (barely). Vocally: 7

Track 10 – Dear Whoever (Production: Illmind)
Another soul/R&B sample intro with sax and vocals, into a chopped vocal and music loop. Sounds like another dedication to a female, or maybe one of those lover/life/music metaphor songs. Smooth enough to want to play past 1:00 to find out. Musically: 7.5. Vocally: 7.5

Track 11 – For What It’s Worth (Production: Eric G)
Apparent interview intro about wanting to be famous and successful, ending with, “temptation is a very strong weakness”. Smoothed out soul sample, good loop. Reminiscent, reflective feel and lyrics, seemingly speaking on his grind and struggle. Definitely hard to cut this short. Full play worthy, good music backing this, and sincere, personal lyrics, and again, a zone where Skyzoo is most listenable. Musically: 8. Vocally: 8

Track 12 – The Necessary Evils (Production: Needlz)
Hard vocalized sweep-heavy track, angelic-sounding sweeps, but really, it’s kinda overpowering, and doesn’t let up. Chorus explains “Necessary Evils, I ain’t trying to get by, I’m trying to speed through” – Pretty strong lyrical sound and flow. Ok, I cheated, and listened to a bit of second verse. This is probably a strong contender to be a “grow-on-you” track. Can’t decide if the continuous “angel” vocals are annoying or epic sounding, but on 2nd or 3rd listen I can anticipate this track winning me over. Musically: 7.5. Vocally: 8

Track 13 – Easy To Fly ft Carlitta Durand (Production: 9th Wonder)
R&B meets funk meets hip-hop vocalization by Durand. She seems just a touch out of place here, but it’s not totally a bad look. Song feels like a weedsmoke-filled love-me-instead-of-him song. It’s a cool vibe, better than good, not as good as great. Decent, but uneventful. Musically: 7. Vocally: 7

Track 14 – Bottom Line (Production: Eric G)
Soul sample, something about “changing” – Skyzoo agrees, “it’s” got to change. Here comes another self-reflecting joint? Hm. No. More like a self-congratulatory joint. Decent sample-chopped beat, chorus comes in well, and Skyzoo rides this track nicely. It’s just under the frantic level where his flow ends up sounding too laid back in comparison. Musically: 7.5. Vocally: 7.5

Track 15 – Metal Hearts (Production: 9th Wonder)
Hard breakbeat, Barry White-sounding  soul-chop that jumps in and out. The chorus adds flute/horn sounds, interesting orchestration overall. Another one to listen to a couple more times to fully “get” what Skyzoo is talking about, but the track does invite further listen. Musically: 8. Vocally: 7

Track 16 – Maintain (Production: Nottz)
Nice piano/drum/bass track, “Teddy P-sounding” vocal floats in and out after the intro sings “I’ve made it this far, but what will tomorrow bring?” Nice touch, the crackling vinyl sounds. Aahh yea, this is pretty smooth, well-produced. Reflective Skyzoo again, but a great match with this track. Musically: 8.5. Vocally: 8

The Synopsis
Overall, Skyzoo presents himself as a thoughtful, reflective and layered lyricist. For a First Impressions, this one was tough, because much of his content requires additional review. We feel there is clever wordplay at hand here, but are never completely drawn in to want to really listen hard. We found that overall, Skyzoo has a narrow range in terms of his vocal output. Too busy or hectic a track and it seems he does not raise his delivery to match, so he ends up flowing best over the smoother tracks rather than the fast-paced, experimental, or frantic sounding ones. This throws the CD off a little, as the song sequence does nothing to enhance the overall package. That being said, there are several good songs on this LP, and we do favor a lyricist, which we know he is.  Yet, while there were only a couple of songs that on First Impression we decided were skippable, we’re also not in a huge rush to play back the LP as a whole. In the end, we’ll probably add 3-6 songs to our rotating playlist, 3 right off the bat, and maybe 2 or 3 will grow on us on second and third impressions.


Maintain (8.25), My Interpretation (8), Popularity (8), Under Pressure (8), For What It’s Worth (8)


The Shooter’s Soundtrack (5.5), Return of the Real (6)

The Math
Musically: 116.5 / 16 = 7.28
Vocally: 117.5 / 16 = 7.34
Total: 7.31

The Curve
Musically: – 0.75 for production occasionally lacking thoughtful orchestration, no huge breakout smash, occasionally erratic experimentation and perceived awkward song sequence.
Vocally: +/– 0.0 deducted for narrow vocal range, and lacks the charisma to pull the listener in to want to hear more and understand his lyrics. Still, lyrically First Impressions are that he’s deeper than a first impression can allow for, and we do favor a lyricist, so it’s a wash.

The Final
6.56 / 10.00