Break it On Down: Raekwon’s OBFCL2 vs. Jay-Z’s BP3

bk-logoJust came across this pretty thorough tale of the tape between Raekwon’s Only Built For Cuban Linx 2 and Jay-Z’s Blueprint 3 over on, penned by Mandean.


In recent weeks, there have been numerous comparisons of the two most anticipated releases in hip-hop this year, Jay-Z’s The Blueprint 3 and Raekwon of Wu Tang Clan’s Only Built For Cuban Linx 2. All the hype has been flooding the blog river, but we waited a bit for each album to marinate in our brain before weighing in. That said, we asked our hip-hop provocateur, Mandean, to put the two through his brain grinder and hit on some categories the blogger trolls might have missed. After the cut, Mandean settles the beef.

P.S. We disagree on a few points along the way, but might be OK with final verdict.