Noodle The Innocent Child Celebrates Life

noodleA long time Manny Faces/Birthplace Magazine supporter and friend to the site, DCT from Urbanizm Music sent over the latest track from Urbanizm artist Noodle the Innocent Child, from Peekskill. Produced by fellow Peekskillian (?) M-Nasty with an appearance from E. Lazel, the song is “Celebrate Life“, off of his upcoming release It’s a N00 Day. Here’s the progression of me listening to this song for the first time:

  1. Cute beat, kinda campy
  2. Thugs won’t like this
  3. Nice drums
  4. Family friendly flow
  5. That’s three F’s. How many more can I do? Freakishly fabulous, fantastic … fu*k that’s all I can think of…
  6. Oh nice lil’ chorus. Very Ashanti-like. I dig. Ah, forget the thugs.. This is kinda cool..
  7. I can DEFINITELY see this placed in a movie, some coming of age hip-hop-related movie, at the end, after the guy and the girl hook up, and the dance crew all win, and everyone’s at the community center for the big barbecue..
  8. And that’s not to be funny, I can seriously see this in a movie.
  9. Flow’s really not bad. Campyness made it sound a little less rugged, but the dude can spit a lil’ somethin.. And it’s a feel-good song. I like this.
  10. I’m kinda feeling this more than I initially thought I would…
  11. Oh it’s ending 🙁
  12. Run it back!
  13. Yea, I like this. Good, cuz I would have been honest, even though DCT an’ ‘nem are cool…
  14. Working on something else but nodding to this. Song has a cool vibe. I want to be at this video shoot.
  15. Run it back again!
  16. Yea, this is kinda dope. I’m definitely liking it.
  17. Turned it off. Worked on a bunch of things, came back, wrote this up, played it again and……
  18. Yea man. I still like it. When non-rap-listening-people say there is nothing but negativity in rap, we a) know how ignorant that is, and b) should send them this song.

Anyway, well-produced and nicely done. Will definitely be checking for Noodle an’ ‘nem.

Download/Listen to Celebrate Life [zshare]